First Home Buyer
Buying your first home is certainly exciting but at the same time also nerve-wracking. For many first time home buyers, the housing market and dealing with agents can be confusing, especially when it comes to understanding fees and charges, and wading your way through the contract before signing it. Get a free copy of our First Home Buyer Guide to help you.
How Much Deposit Do I Need?
Before you buy your first home, make sure you understand the costs involved - because there's more to it than just the purchase price. In addition to your regular payments, other expenses may include:
Government stamp duty
Solicitor/conveyance fees
Building and pest inspection fees
Home and contents insurance
Renovating or building costs
Mortgage insurance.
The good news is, as a first home buyer, you may be eligible for some Government assistance program.
First Home Owners Grant
This govenrment program provide a once-off payment to help eligible first home buyers to purchase their first home. The criterias are:
Each applicant must be a person and not a company or trust
At least one applicant must be a permanent resident or Australian citizen
Each applicant must be at least 18 years of age
All applicants and/or their spouse/de facto must not have previously owned a residential property jointly, separately or with some other person in any State or Territory of Australia, and occupied that property for a continuous period of at least six months
Each applicant has entered into a contract for the purchase of a home or signed a contract to build a home on or after 1 July 2000. In the case of an owner-builder, laying of the foundations commenced on or after 1 July 2000
In most States, the total value of the property must not exceed a specified cap, depending on the rules of the particular State. Contact us to find out the cap that applies to you
This is the first time an applicant and/or their spouse/de facto will receive a grant under the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 in any State or Territory (unless subsequently repaid)
At least one applicant will occupy the home as their principal place of residence for a continuous period of six months, commencing within 12 months of settlement or construction of the home. Exemptions apply for permanent members of the Australian Defence Force.
For the latest information on the First Home Owner Grant, take the time to visit the government's First Home Owner Grant website or contact the State Revenue Office in your state
Want to find out more? Contact us today for more information.